El Salvador El Manzano Gesha Honey - 300g

Originally from Ethiopia, this varietal gained prominence when it was introduced to Panama in the early 2000s. Gesha coffees are known to have a distinctive floral, fruity, complex profile, elegant aromas, and a delicate body. This particular Gesha is from El Salvador and is honey processed. In this process, the coffee is pulped, dried while retaining the mucilage to produce a honey-like appearance, and then hulled once it has reached desired moisture content. Honey process coffees have a distinct sweetness and body that offers coffee drinkers a unique experience.

El Salvador El Manzano Gesha Honey
Farmer: Emilio López Díaz
Farm: Ayutepeque
Region: Santa Ana, El Salvador
Elevation: 1300 – 1500 MASL
Varietal: Gesha
Process: Honey

300g bottle

 * Production occurs twice a week on Wednesday and Thursday. Orders placed after 5:00pm Wednesday will be roasted and shipped during the next production cycle.


Type: Blend

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